walk in my shoes

Choose Your Path




Date Description Change Balance


You are 75 years old. As a retired widower without any family Florida, your support system is meager at best. Living on a fixed income in an apartment forces you to rely on public transportation.

Monthly Income: $1,800


February 1

It’s the first of the month and your fixed expenses are due: rent and phone.

Subtract $1100 from your budget.


February 4

It is increasingly difficult for you to navigate stairs. Unfortunately, you live in a second story apartment. You can:

  • Stay at home, hire a home health aide.
  • Pay extra for a ground-floor apartment.

Stay Move

Stay at home, hire a home health aide.

The health aide costs $300 per month.

Subtract $300 from your budget.


Pay extra for a ground-floor apartment.

The new apartment costs $150 more than your previous apartment.

Subtract $150 from your budget.


February 8

Time to get your monthly bus pass. The cost for seniors is $35.

Subtract $35 from your budget.


February 15

Your health center moves to a new location with no bus service.

You can:

  • See a more expensive doctor whose office is accessible via bus.
  • Risk relying on a friend for regular transportation to your health center.

Doctor Risk

See a more expensive doctor whose office is accessible via bus.

Subtract $150 from your budget.


Risk relying on a friend

  • Your friend reliably drives you to your doctor appointments. Your budget stays the same.

  • Your friend fails to drive you to the doctor, so you spend $50 for a taxi ride. You then decide to try a new doctor who is on the bus route, but charges $150 more than Medicaid will cover. Subtract $200 from your budget.

  • Your friend drives you to one appointment, but cancels for the second. You must pay for round trip taxi to make that appointment. Subtract $50 from your budget.

  • Your friend fails to drive you to the doctor, so you spend $50 for a taxi ride.

    You then decide to try a new doctor who is on the bus route, but charges $150 more than Medicaid will cover. Subtract $200 from your budget.

  • Your friend drives you to one appointment, but cancels for the second. You must pay for round trip taxi to make that appointment. Subtract $50 from your budget.

  • Your friend reliably drives you to your doctor appointments. Your budget stays the same.


February 19

You call 2-1-1, United Way’s free information and referral service, and find out you qualify for a senior benefit program.

Add $100 to your budget.


February 22

Medicare will only cover half the cost of a new prescription you need. You can:

  • Pay the other half out-of-pocket.
  • Risk becoming sick by only taking half the dosage.

Pay Risk

Cover the other half out of pocket

Subtract $200 from your budget.


Risk becoming sick by only taking half the dosage

  • Taking half of your dosage worsens, rather than helps, your condition and you have to spend the night in the hospital. Without a Medicare Supplement Plan, you have to pay 20% of the cost.

    Subtract $500 for your hospital stay.


February 28

You didn’t realize your toilet was leaking water. Your water bill is 200% higher than usual.

Subtract $200 from your budget.


Dave’s Balance: $0

Could you imagine living on the edge of a financial cliff each month as Dave is doing? You can help them become more financially secure through job training, financial coaching, and free tax preparation – and provide educational support for their family though your generous donation.



You are 23 years old. Without family support, dropping out of high school was your only option when you became pregnant with your son. He is now six and your sole responsibility, leaving limited options to schedule shifts and child care with your part-time waitressing job.

Monthly income: $2,000


February 1

It’s the first of the month and your fixed expenses are due: rent, phone and car payment.

Subtract $1500 from your budget.


February 4

You are offered full-time hours at the restaurant where you work. Which shift do you request?

Lunch Dinner

Lunch Shift

You work the Lunch shift. You will earn less in tips, but your son will be in school during most of your work hours. You make an extra $1000, but now you need 2 daily hours of childcare for your son, costing $200 per month.

Add $800 to your budget.



You work the dinner shift. You will earn more in tips, but will have to pay for evening childcare.

You make an extra $1500, but now you need 8 daily hours of childcare for your son, costing $800 per month.

Add $700 to your budget.


February 8

Your housing voucher to help pay rent is based on income. With the extra income from working full time, your rent increases by $200.

Subtract $200 from your budget.


February 15

Your car is having trouble.

You can:

  • Have a mechanic fix your car.
  • Risk not fixing your car.

Fix Risk

Have a mechanic fix your car.

Subtract $500 from your budget.


Risk not fixing your car

  • Your car makes it through the month without breaking down.

    Your budget stays the same.

  • You find a friend who will fix your car for the cost of parts.

    Subtract $300 from your budget.

  • Your car makes it through the month without breaking down.

    Your budget stays the same.

  • Your car breaks down on the road. You have to pay to have it fixed plus the extra for the tow.

    Subtract $600 from your budget.

  • You find a friend who will fix your car for the cost of parts.

    Subtract $300 from your budget.

  • Your car breaks down on the road. You have to pay to have it fixed plus the extra for the tow.

    Subtract $600 from your budget.


February 19

You decide to take the GED prep classes.

Subtract $25 from your budget.


February 22

You are eligible for health benefits as a full-time employee, but you have to pay part of the insurance premium.

You can:

  • Give up your car and use the money for health insurance.
  • Risk not having health insurance.

Give up Car Risk

Give up your car and use the money for health insurance.

Your budget stays the same, however, with the two buses it takes to get to work, your ten minute commute turned into an hour each way.


Risk not having health insurance

  • You get strep throat and have to miss work to go to the doctor for medicine.

    Subtract $250 from your budget.

  • You crack a tooth this month.

    Subtract $450 from your budget.

  • You stay healthy this month.

    Your budget stays the same.

  • You crack a tooth this month.

    Subtract $450 from your budget.

  • You get strep throat and have to miss work to go to the doctor for medicine.

    Subtract $250 from your budget.

  • You stay healthy this month.

    Your budget stays the same.


February 28

You didn’t realize your toilet was leaking water. Your water bill is 200% higher than usual.

Subtract $200 from your budget.


Amanda’s Balance: $0

Could you imagine living on the edge of a financial cliff each month as Amanda is doing? You can help them become more financially secure through job training, financial coaching, and free tax preparation – and provide educational support for their family though your generous donation.



When an accident at work forces you into short-term disability at 60% of your income, your wife takes a break from her education to pick up a part-time job. Still, your mortgage, medical bills and the needs of your three kids make it difficult to make ends meet.

Monthly income: $3,000


February 1

It’s the first of the month and your fixed expenses are due: mortgage, phone and car payment.

Subtract $2,000 from your budget.


February 4

Your neighbor who usually watches your youngest child while you are at physical therapy cancelled at the last second. You can:

You can:

  • Ask your wife to leave work early.
  • Skip your physical therapy session.

Ask Skip

Ask your wife to leave work early

You ask your wife to watch the kids while you’re at physical therapy. Your wife takes the day off, losing the $100 for the day and giving her a demerit at work for unscheduled time off. After three demerits, she loses her job.

Subtract $100 from your budget.


Skip today’s physical therapy session.

Your workman’s compensation doesn’t cover the penalty fee your therapist charges for last-minute cancellations. By missing the session, you also jeopardize your recovery and return to work before benefits expire.

Deduct $120 from your budget


February 8

Last year, you paid $400 to ACME Tax Preparation. This year, your friend tells you about United Way’s Free Tax Prep (VITA) program.

Add $400 to your budget.


February 15

You qualify for an Earned Income Tax Credit and will get a tax refund, so you debate delaying vet-ordered diagnostic tests for your beloved dog, Jake, who has been lethargic and has stopped eating.

You can:

  • Pay for the diagnostic tests.
  • Risk delaying the tests until after you receive your tax refund.

Vet Risk

Take Jake to the vet

Take Jake to get the diagnostic tests. The tests reveal an illness that is affordably treatable when caught early.

Subtract $200 from your budget.


Risk delaying diagnostic tests

  • Jake’s condition worsens and you are compelled to take him for the diagnostic tests anyways. The tests reveal that the delay allowed the infection to worsen, increasing the treatment cost.

    Subtract $300 from your budget.


February 19

Your middle child breaks their ankle during a school basketball game. You have a high-deductible health plan, and have not reached the deductible. You pay the entire cost for the visit.

Subtract $400 from your budget.


February 22

The water heater has been acting up and tap water is coming out rusty and lukewarm.

You can:

  • Pay to have a repair service come out to fix it.
  • Risk no action and hope it doesn’t stop working or start leaking.

Pay Risk

Pay to have a repair service come.

Good news. It just needed a cleaning and tune up.

Deduct $200 from your budget.


Risk no action and hope for the best.

  • Your water heater doesn’t get any worse (for now).

    Your budget stays the same.


February 28

A highly active hurricane season last year caused homeowner’s insurance rates to spike in your area. You quarterly payment increased 20%.

Deduct $450 from your budget.


James’s Balance: $0

Could you imagine living on the edge of a financial cliff each month as Dave/James is doing? You can help them become more financially secure through job training, financial coaching, and free tax preparation – and provide educational support for their family though your generous donation.
